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Why Join?

1. Strengthen Your Community. Nonprofits play a vital role in our community's social, economic, and cultural wellbeing. Your pledge helps build future resources that will strengthen your community for future generations.

2. Leave a Legacy. Create a meaningful and lasting legacy in your name by using your pledge to support nonprofits that represent your life's work, passions, and values.

3. Pledge Now, Give Later. Because the charity is a beneficiary of your retirement/investment account, you still have full access to your funds during your retirement years when you need it the most. After you are gone, the charity will receive 5% of the remaining account balance, making it a win-win!

4. Save on Taxes. Naming a charitable beneficiary in your retirement or other investment accounts is easy to do and may result in substantial tax savings for your heirs and estate. Because charities do not pay income tax, the charity will also receive the full contribution amount.

5. Inspire Others. Generosity is contagious! When you give to causes you are excited about, it inspires others to do the same. Together, we can do more for our community!

Need help picking a charity to support? Go to GuideStar for a list of local nonprofits, or check out the Foundation’s website to see which nonprofits have a fund held there.

Join the Pledge

Join Others

The Give Back 5 Community Giving Pledge is a group of people who have committed to donating at least 5% of their retirement or investment accounts to local nonprofits after their lifetime. They believe nonprofits contribute to the community's social, economic, and cultural well-being and are committed to helping build nonprofit capacity through the Giving Pledge.  Make a difference in your community and join others who have already signed up!

Adrienne Allen

Jim Allen

Danielle Brown

Eric Brown

Kelly Brown

Bill Cathcart-Rake

Ruth Cathcart-Rake

Michael Chambers

Beverly Cole

Dale Cole

Doyle Comfort

Maureen Comfort

Andrew Couch

Karen Couch

Janet Dubois

Brandon Ebert

Heather Ebert

Karen Ebert

Ken Ebert

Aaron Esping

Kelli Exline

Rob Exline

Rick Frisbie

Caroline Gorrell

Clay Gorrell

Gabe Grant

Mark A. Gruenthal

David Hawksworth

Susan Hawksworth

Maggie Hemmer

Tom Hemmer

Jenell Hulse

Phyllis Johnson

Peter Johnston

Sara Peckham Johnston, MD

Cathy Krug

Randy Krug

Pilar LaPointe

Jim Loader

Jerry Lonergan

Nancy Lonergan

Aaron Martin

Dave Martin

Jessica Martin

Casey McCoy

Melissa McCoy

Bill Medina

Jake Mitchell

John Mize

Karen Mize

Barb Neustrom

Patrik Neustrom

Rita Northup

Dennis Oakes

Martha Oakes

J.J. O'Connor

Tammy O'Connor

Bob Peck

Cindy Peck

Pete Peterson

Rita Peterson

Katie Platten

Tom Platten

Brianna Quinley

John Quinley

Kevin Quinley

Mary Quinley

Jon Ramsey

Sharlene Ramsey

Martha Rhea

Mark Ritter

Chad Robinson

Abbey Rupe

Chris Rupe

Matt Shaffer

Rita Shaffer

David Simmons

Mac Steele

Aaron Wedel

Carolyn Wedel

David Wedel

Mark Wedel

Sarah Wedel

Jacob Yarochowicz

Loren Young

Sara Young

Supported By

Jenell Hulse

I chose to join the Give Back 5 community giving pledge because I love Hyllningsfest and Lindsborg! I want Hyllningfest to go on for even more generations to enjoy and show the entire world that we are truly the "greatest square mile" in every aspect.

Aaron & Jessica Martin

We're giving back five because we believe in investing in the future of Salina and want the programs that our children are involved in to be available for the next generation!

This could be you!

You can even Give Back 5 in honor of your furry friend by making a donation to your local animal shelter, therapy dog program, dog park, or anything else that reminds you of him!